Sunday, August 31, 2008



Welcome to iTrain30. A thirty day church wide effort to establish the discipline of a “quiet time”. I suggest that you begin with prayer. Thank God for 5 things. In your prayer tell God that you want to spend time with Him in prayer and in reading scripture. Read the passage and meditate on what you have just read. Respond in prayer to your reading. Admit areas of your life you need to correct and ask for help to change. Focus on that throughout the day. The psalms are great to personalize and turn into a prayer. Proverbs provide some thought provoking statements to ponder. While it is good to have questions, be sure you focus more on what you did understand than your questions. Share something in the comments. End your time with prayer for others and yourself. Let’s begin.

September 1

Phil. 1:1-11
Psalm 1
Prov. 1:1-6


iStreet Series

Over the last 4 weeks we have taken the time to understand and clarify what we do and why we do we do at Church. One of the challenges is for us to NOT JUST GO TO CHURCH, BUT TO BE THE CHURCH.

We have looked at iWorship, how Worship is an essential part of being the Church. We assemble weekly to honor God and offer Him worship.

Secondly we have looked at iConnect, the importance of meeting together in small group settings like our Sunday School and Small Groups.

Thirdly we explored iServe, the importance of serving others.

Today, our topic is iTrain. While we offer many Bible Studies and life training classes the heart of iTrain is something very personal. iTrain is about developing a personal walk with God. For many of us the centerpiece to that personal walk with God is what we call a "daily quiet time".

I want to invite you to join with me and others for the next 30 days in an effort we will call iTrain30. I am asking you to commit to this by sending me a comment. I will post a section of scripture on my blog for all of us to read. Read the passage and write down a thought that comes to you from the reading. Post that thought for others to read. It will help keep us all accountable and on track. One way to begin a new discipline is to do something for 30 days. Come and join me for the next 30 days.